Improving Your Presentation

While the goal of the current updates is to make it easier for you update your website, we would also like to improve the quality of the presentation on your websites. The reason for the issues that we (and your viewers) are seeing are primarily caused by inconsistent image sizing. While we’ve created the online image library for you to download images, there may be instances when you may need to resize an image as well. 

Comparison Comparison

Use the horizontal slider above to compare how the presentation is affected by improperly size images.

While this may appear to be an “unnecessary step”, the reasons for doing so are more than just cosmetic:

  • If you look at these two examples above (slide the vertical divider bar), the viewer will see the top “What’s Cooking” promos, but in order to see the “Kitchen Creations”, they need to scroll down, or they may in fact miss them altogether.
  • Without proper resizing, an image is just “resized on the fly” in the admin. This is not really resizing, just changing the proportions and the image  will come out looking distorted and and thus the food looks less appealing (see image below).


Safari017 burger bleu cheese 500x300 1

Left image was uploaded and then “resized” in Wordpress. Right image was properly resized before uploading.

With just a few more minutes of effort each week, you can greatly improve your website and provide a better user experience for your viewer.


Level of difficulty: 2/10

Boiling Water
Resizing Images
Frying an Egg
Making A Perfect Hard Boiled Egg

There are two simple steps to resizing an image. Just follow the steps in the video (seriously, not rocket science), after doing 3-4 images it will become second nature. 

Resizing your images BEFORE uploading them is going to have the biggest impact on your website presentation. And while this process may be a little out of your comfort zone in the beginning, it is far easier than struggling with poorly sized images once they are uploaded to the website

If you watch the last minute of the video, you’ll see that the spaghetti image was cropped and resized in about 45 seconds.

Link to Online Photo Editor