Updates Not Showing

The question that we get most frequently is “I updated my website, but why aren’t my updates showing up?”. This happens most frequently after updating your weekly menu and especially the PDF. While we’ve done everything we can to mitigate this from happening (and the number of reported issues has dropped noticeably), there are various other variables that can cause this.

The first thing to understand, is that this is most likely caused by “cacheing”, which is basically a method to speed up your website by saving and delivering previously viewed versions of a web page to you.

Cacheing can occur at several points of delivering your website, including your web browser, the web server and even your ISP (internet service provider that connects you to the internet).


  1. PDF UPDATES: If you are changing the name of your PDF on a weekly basis, there are special steps that you need to take to update your PDF name. THE NAME OF THE PDF CANNOT BE UPDATED DIRECTLY ON YOUR WEEKLY MENU PAGE. 
    Please view this page for instructions on updating your PDF.
  2. Your web browser is the most likely culprit for cacheing issues, so the first thing to try is to hold down the SHIFT KEY on your keyboard, and REFRESH your browser several times. This will most likely clear your browser cache. 

    You can also try to view the website from another computer, and/or a different browser. If you can see the updates on that computer/browser, then the issue is with your browser holding onto old information. Try quitting your browser completely and/or restart your computer and then try viewing the website.*

  3. Your websites also use a service called Cloudflare which provides security and delivery enhancements. While it has been configured to clear it’s cache when you update your website, you can also try to clear the cache manually.

    Go to Settings / Cloudflare and click on the Purge Cache button.

If you are still having a problem (please check on more than one computer first), then contact us and we will try to help you resolve this issue and hopefully provide a long term solution.